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What to do? (Summer 2018)

Have you ever tried to make a last minute plan and you literally cannot think of anything so you end up watching television. Lately, I have been that couch potato but not because I refuse to get some sun. It is mainly because I cannot think of anything until it is too late. Now what would be an easy solution to this issue? CREATE YOUR OWN BUCKET LIST. This allows you to save so much time in regards to having fun activities and events on record for a boring day. I usually make buckets list but this year I have be quite busy with work and school that I completely forgot. I have decided to make my own bucket list and thought I would share a few activities with my readers.


I want to buy a full frame camera and upgrade because I plan on making some more money off of it in the long run. In my opinion, it provides better opportunities to shoot higher quality which will appeal to wider audience. To be honest, my main reason is so that my photos look a bit more cool. The camera that I plan on getting is a Sony A7ii with hopefully a 30mm lens.


Most normal people find a lake or a beach and go swimming. Not me, I like going cliff diving because the adrenaline rush. Don't worry, I wont be doing any extreme belly flopping. I also enjoy going paddle boarding at Kelso Lake. However, this year, I want to try out my skills on Lake Ontario. Either way, I plan on doing something fun that is water related.


To be completely honest, I have been trying to this for a while but just can never seem to find the time. I really want to have a website to showcase my work. Whether it is Graphic Design, Music, Photography or Poetry. I have decided what website that I might use to create my platform. I have narrowed it down to:

I recommend checking out all three website builders if you plan on creating a web page for yourself.


This is kind of similar to "bar hopping" but with food. I want to go to a bunch of new restaurants and try some different types of food out. For example, I want to try the Thailand ice cream. I usually try not to pick specific foods because the fun is just going into a restaurant and trying out something different. Plus, pre-planning kind of ruins the flow of the hopping.


So in case you did not know, I write some awesome poetry with metaphors that will blow your mind. No seriously, I actually write some pretty good material. I really want to perform downtown but the biggest struggle is finding a place and time that works with my schedule. I will most likely just set some time aside to perform. Be on the look out for any dates or times and feel free to come support my performance.

I know that you were assuming my bucket list would just list a bunch of cool places to go see. I rather have my bucket list be things that I want to do rather than things or place that I should go see. I hope when you write your bucket list, you just think about things that you want to do rather than copy some bloggers bucket list.

Don't be a couch potato and start planning your bucket list!


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