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What can your content do for you?

(This photo was taken by me when I attended Equinox)

I use to wonder a lot about what a person's content could do for them, regardless of what kind of content. We always see famous Youtubers or Photographers that post pictures and get recognition, but we never truly realize what opportunities their content provides them. Well some of these Youtubers post vlogs or blogs that explain the quality of content, but I guess it is different for everybody. I realized that with photography, I get the opportunity to go to a lot of unique places and meet some cool people. It is kind of like networking and at the same time, I am just doing what I enjoy. I have actually made some money on the side by just taking pictures for people, crazy right? I would say that my content has opened up doors for me and people welcome me to whatever it is that they are doing. Now don't assume that I am there with my camera constantly taking pictures, that is not how I work. I like to converse and hang out with the people that invite me. I mean why not, it helped developed my social skills and confidence. People always talk about how they can get anxious talking to new people, well I guess this was practice for me because I don't feel like that anymore. Now when I do post my pictures, I try to share my thoughts or experiences in the captions. I think it makes it more interesting to read, plus it is a way for me to remember in the long run. I simply suggest that you do not stress about pushing out content, it should come natural to you. I do not constantly post on my social platforms, even though I have tons of pictures and videos. I just prefer taking my time and doing things my way, so far it looks like it is pays off. To be honest, this blog post is not supposed to be some type of key to success post, that tells you how to utilize your content. I actually hope one day that we can meet and you can answer the question in person. I am curious to know, what does your content do for you?

- BFX Photography

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