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Investing In What?

The big question that people think about is "What should I invest in". Now does this mean invest in something that could better your future, whether it is 10 years down the road or maybe just tomorrow. Maybe it just means that you need to invest alot or maybe just enough, whatever that means. It becomes hard to build enough confidence to say "Hey, this investment will get me to the next level" or "This investment will help me grow". The fear of not knowing what comes next is possibly the biggest challenge anyone would face. I know it definitely was for me. Whether I invested in my camera equipment, my home studio equipment, my education..ect. Lately, I have been talking alot with people in regards to my potential investments and current ones. A few of my buddies tell me things like "if you don't try to grow and have the necessary equipment, knowledge or guidance, it limits your potential and creativity because you are not in possessions of the right tools that lead to success". I thought about this before I purchased my recent camera lense. "Will this make me better". That was all that I could think about, over and over and over again. I finally told myself that it would and if it didn't than that is fine. Why? Because it makes me just one step closer to becoming more successful in what I want or expect. I guess what I am trying to say is that "give it a try", the end result can either be that you learn from your mistake or you grow from your success.

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