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Time Travel

The clock continues to keep ticking and it is getting close to the time where everyone starts making these "new year, new me" goals. You know where people try to drastically change their life and take it towards another direction. Like a common New Year’s resolution is that suddenly everybody wants to hit the gym and work out but probably just end up getting more chubby. Now I'm not judging nobodies goals, but I personally decided to take a different route and instead of focusing on the future, I rather reflect on the past. Now you might be thinking, "you aren’t a trend setter and nobody cares what you did in 2016". Which is most likely true but one person for certain cares and well that is me. This year I was able to achieve so much and reflecting on it really makes me proud of what I have accomplished. Don’t’ worry, I am not going to list them out. But if you think about it, why would I attempt to make a New Year’s resolution based on negative aspects of my life, when I can reflect on the positive things that have helped shaped my train of thought. One thing that I am taking away from this year is that I want people start recognizing me for my talent and not the face behind it. Mainly because it means more if people respect my art rather than just my name. My point is that sometimes people need to sit down and think about their approach towards different goals and tasks. Don't think that I am saying you should ignore the things you need to work on, but in regards to the process of considering those things just don't be so hard on yourself. To be honest, I may not know who exactly is reading this blog post and I may not know how you feel. But honestly, I guarantee you have succeeded in more ways than you give yourself credit for. This blog post is titled "Time Travel" because I recommend that instead of you only focusing on the future, take a moment and step back to acknowledge all great times or accomplishments that have helped you grow as a person. Lastly, if no one else will say it to you than allow me to be the first to state that I am proud of you and your achievements, keep it up!

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