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Ladies and gentlemen, let me formally introduce you to BFX. Another alias that I actually go by is Basir Ahmad, but you probably don't even care about that because your more curious what BFX means, why do I go by BFX or maybe you might think that I'm just some weirdo with a blog. Well BFX actually means Basir Effects, I know cute right. I originally came up with the name because I needed to come up with tag to place on the graphics I make. Spoiler Alert, I also am a graphic designer. Don't think it was my first option because it really wasn't. I tried other names when I felt like I needed something original for my rap name. Spoiler Alert Part 2, I am also a rapper. I experimented with different names trying to base it on my life but I miserably failed. Some names that I tried, which clearly didn't last, were "Blessed", "Oddz" and something stupid like "McFlowDesign". I don't know what the hell I was thinking especially when I couldn't stay on beat to save my life. The important thing was I finally found a name that I can associate with my identity. Why? Well mainly because I can relate it towards the numerous things that I do like graphic designing, rapping, producing music, photography and as my DJ name for my radio show. Yes, I am very talented but no I'm not bragging. These things I mentioned are big part of me and ideally shape who I am. I spent the past four years of my life trying to look for something to tell me exactly what or who I am. By doing that, I was actually neglecting myself from the potential I already had to do great things. Lately I have been reflecting alot on myself like thinking about my habits, interests, goals, needs, wants and my skill set. It definitely is sad knowing that I have not been utilizing my abilities and skills to its full potential because I never thought the stuff that I was interested in even mattered. Maybe it was a phase? Maybe it would hold me back? Maybe no one would like my work? But I finally realized that all these "maybe" type questions didn't need to bother me because everyone is entitled to their opinion, also what is the worst that could happen. To be honest, when you really sit down and think about "what the worst is that could happen", it doesn't really bother you anymore. It is just a way to fuel your doubts and reinforce the idea that if you suck at something than you can’t get better, and you will always be criticized for being bad. Well at least for me, that was how I felt. Now that I am passed that, I'm doing my thing and slowly getting recognized by different people which encourage what I do. So once I accepted who I was and what I could do, it made me happy being able to hear everyone call me BFX and I became more proud to say that I Am BFX.

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